Transcarpathian Cadastral Maps and Urbarium Census
There are a number of cadastral maps for the Transcarpathian region that have been published by Arcanum.hu. These often document the names of the landowners and can be very detailed.
The Hungarian National Archives has issued a number of digitized databases
Maria Theresa Urbarium Census 1767
The Empress of the Habsburg Monarchy, Maria Theresa ordered a census, called the Urbarium of 1767 in order to take stock of the peasantry and their situation. The urbariums are written documents that picture what kind of obligations has the villein toward his squire, how big is the serf’s animal stock, what kind of utensil- and toolkit he uses, how big is the plot of land he cultivates and last but not least the tables contain the names of the squires, villeins and cottars. The database consists out of 300,000 pages relevant for 43 counties and it includes the whole archival fond.
For all those, who are interested in local- and family history, this public and free database can be the major source of information for research. Next to the huge amount of digitized original document, one can also find information about the name of the laird, about the size of the estate and the number of villeins that paid a fee in order to cultivate that certain land.
(Mária Terézia úrbéri tabellák URL: http://archives.hungaricana.hu/en/urberi/)
Searching here is quite easy, you can either search using name of the village, find it under the corresponding county in menu at the right or use the map to find your village. It contains a table with people as well as some text, which sometimes contains interesting info (sometimes in latin and sometimes in old slovak).
1828 Census
The 1828 census has been digitized by Family Search. It has not been transcribed. However the Hungarian National Library has recently made available a searchable version. The transcriptions are often incomplete or incorrect for the Marmaros villages that I reviewed. It is possible to advise the archives of corrections to be made.
1921 census of Transcarpathian region is now on-line. Please help to transcribe the data on our project page. There are two types of documents: The first is a summary of property owners, the second type of document contains detailed information on residents. Languages can be Czech, Hungarian,or cyrillic
Slovakia 1930 and 1940 census
There are two available censuses from the period of Czechoslovakia - 1930 and 1940. You can search them at www.slovakiana.sk. However, due to protection of private information, you can see only names, surnames and house number, all other columns are blacked out. Searching in these databases is unusual: in the field near the hand glass you have to write: "sčítací hárok <name of village/town>" e.g. "sčítací hárok Námestovo". Press enter.
In order to see census, keep the square "LEN ZDIGITALIZOVANĚ" checked, however you MUST uncheck the "VOĽNÉ". Now you should see individual pages of census. I strongly recommend switching from "NAJRELEVANTNEJŠIE" to "ABECEDNE" (alphabetically) in the drop down menu. Members of each house/apartment are written on a single sheet.
The portal is very slow.
Update 02Feb2023
There is a portal that contains transcribed data from the Slovak 1930-1940 census sheets . The portal is www.https://scitacieharky.sk/
The website is in Slovak. If you use Chrome as the browser, right click to get automatic translation.
The 2 sections are:
Mapy (Maps): You can navigate to the region of interest to see how many records have been indexed. Then follow the link (zobrazit viac) to view records from that area
Zaznamy (Name) : It is possible to search by name and filter the results. In the field "Priezvisko", type the family name or part of the name. Surname must be in Slovak spelling with the correct diacritics. If you only have the name from old records in Latin or Hungarian, try typing a portion of the name.
For example, if the family name in Hungarian is Tomunyak, in the census records it is written as "Tomuniak".
If the surname in Hungarian was Krcsmery, in the census it is Krčméry. I would suggest typing "Krčm" to find all surnames beginning with this letter combination.
Cadastral Land Registers
Cadastral land register from National Archives:
Cadastral land registers were created between 1850 and 1918 for the purpose of determining the land tax. In Hungary, the imperial patent issued on October 20, 1849 prescribed the introduction of land tax and the establishment of a permanent cadastre, which meant that the tax base to be worked out based on the survey was planned to be permanent for a long period of time. However, this could not be implemented quickly, so on March 4, 1850, a "temporary land tax" was ordered, i.e. a temporary land tax was introduced. The permanent cadastre's detailed, plot-by-plot survey began in 1856 (preliminary work in 1853), and by 1916 nearly 80% of the country had been mapped.
As a result of the cadastral survey, various maps and documents were created, the two most important final products being the cadastral map and the cadastral land register. The database includes documents created during the technical surveys for the determination of temporary and permanent land tax: land registers, house number lists, owner lists, lists of residential buildings, boundary descriptions, preliminary drawings, etc. are found. The various lists and preliminary drawings help the use and interpretation of land registers.
The actual maps can be found at:
Incomplete data for Transcarpathia:
Ung vm: Egreshat only
Bereg v.m: Data for 23 villages
Ugocsa v.m.: Data for 8 villages
Maramaros v.m. Data for 12 villages