Karpatalja Travel Guide 1938

The Travellers Book:Transcarpathia 1938 (Az Utas Könyve: Kárpátalja) was a compact manual published in 1939 by the National Hungarian Hostelry Association (Országos Magyar Vendégforgalmi Szövetség). It was one of a series of travel guides.
It was the essential travel guide for the discerning Transcarpathian tourist. In addition to a simple map (see above) it provided details on accommodation and sustenance, transport, medical facilities, spas and recreation and entertainment.
Includes two introductions.
The first is by Dr. József Illés-IIllyásevics de Visk (1871, Huszt-1944 Budapest) who was a member of parliament and also a noted legal scholar and university professor. [http://byzantinohungarica.hu/node/169]
The second is by Mihály Demkó who describes the opportunities available for hiking, hunting, fishing (including a species list) in the region. Mihály Demkó (Bodzásújlak, 1894.– Ungvár, 1946.) was a writer and a member of the Hungarian Parliament. Soviet authorities executed him in 1946. [http://www.ogyk.hu/e-konyvt/mpgy/alm/al939_44/160.htm]
Some of the more frequently used subheadings in this manual are:
lakás es ellátás Accommodation and sustenance
fürdőzés Baths
egészségügy Medical care
szórakozás Entertainment
sport Sports
kirándulóhelyek Places to visit
közlekedes Transport
gyalogos turisztika Tourist hiking
vadászati lehetőségek Hunting opportunities
halászati lehetőségek Fishing opportunities
ásványvízforrások Mineral spas
üdülőtelepek Holiday Resorts
fürdők Baths